Thursday 8 December 2011

mission statement 8/12/2011


Mission Statement.

Shannon’s new project “BEATZ” is a unique and different kind of women’s magazine,
Who’s fans are big lovers of hip hop and chart music.
“BEATZ” will be aimed at witty, glamorous, out going, care free teenage girls of the ages 13-17. “BEATZ” readers are beautiful and dedicated to the pop world and have a clear understanding of the 20th century and the music within this century.
“BEATZ” will contain all the important things which are necessary and essential to every teenage girls such as beauty, boys, fashion tips, horoscopes and of course the latest charts, downloads and new artists out on the market. “BEATZ” will try as a magazine to help inspire those in the world and will try and help educate those who are interested in the music world.
“BEATZ” aim is not to insult or patronise. It will only praise those artists who prove themselves to be idolised and praised.
Lastly “BEATZ” role in its readers live’ is to inform, inspire, encourage and edit.

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