Friday 11 November 2011

Evaluation Of My School Magazine

When I first started to use adobe design I found it quite hard to grasp as I wasn’t sure how to use every tool that was required to make my school magazine successful. But after a couple of hours using it and with some help from other students also doing the same task as me I began to find it a lot more easier to use and I started to enjoy the whole experience. Looking at the front cover of my magazine now I feel that it has turned out well and I am pleased with my effort. I found it interesting how I edited my main image to make it look smart and presentable and I would probably use the same form and camera shot for any future tasks that we may do. I liked my colour choices and I feel that they suit the magazine and they are appropriate. The colours I used represent the school itself. I found choosing and creating a layout for my magazine quite difficult and I changed quite a lot towards to end for example moving my title and making my slogan a lot smaller so it looked better. If I could I would change my slogan and maybe try to create some of my own instead of using ones that have been used in the past. I’m happy with all the photo’s I took and I feel like all of them where relevant. Overall I am very happy with my magazine and I feel I have done the best I could at the moment.

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