Friday 30 September 2011


My Questionnaire Evaluation

I created a questionnaire to help me gather information for my first task in my media studies project.

My first question was based on what year each student was in who took the time to complete my questionnaire the populist was y12 with 4 and then 3 with y7.
My second question was based on what gender each person was this was an easy question with only two answers 4 boys completed my questionnaire and 3 girls completed my questionnaires.
My third question was to circle which masthead they preferred the most populist was “KHS” and “KINGS HEAD” with two votes each I also included eight which had 1 vote and schools out with had 2 votes.
My fourth question was to circle the following slogan they most preferred the most popular choice was “SAVED BY THE BELL” with four votes I also included happenings in Henry, for the students by the students, we enter to learn and leave to achieve and a tradition in excellence.
My fifth question was based on price I offered 50p, 75p and £1.00 two choose 50p four choose 75p and one person circled £1.00.
My fifth question was to circle 5 stories in which the students would like to read about in the magazine the most popular where
·        Sporting success
·        Canteen and healthy eating
·        School trips
·        Drama production
·        Exam results
My seventh question was based on what picture should be the main image on the front cover of the school magazines I offered the options of different year groups such as and 13, the majority of the people who took part in my questionnaire choose y12 with four votes and then y7 with 3 votes.
My eighth question was based on what colours the students thought associated best with king Henry 5 choose the colour yellow and 2 selected the colours white and navy.
My ninth question was so the students had the choice to say who the magazine should be aimed at the options where lower school middle school sixth form or the teachers, there was an equal balance as 3 choose lower school 3 choose sixth form and one student choose middle school.
My last question was asking if the student filling in the questionnaire would buy a school magazine the results show that 6 people said yes and 1 person said no.  

